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6 Steps to Achieving Your Fitness Goals This Year

Wherever you are in your fitness journey, you’re likely striving for self-improvement of some kind.  Whether it’s a toned body, a boost in your mood, more energy, or all of the above, there should be an underlying motivation that propels you to get outside…even on the coldest days of winter.  Accomplishing your goals take more than a superficial desire to attain an ideal weight.

Instead, look inward and determine a deeper motivation for your fitness goals, like overall health and wellbeing.  The key is to make fitness a way of life—not simply a temporary goal.

With a bit of sweat and dedication, we look forward to you achieving your goals!

Read on for our tips on how to stick to those fitness resolutions you’ve made in the New Year.

  1. Start with Your Intention: At the beginning of a yoga class, you may often hear the instructor ask you to identify your intention for that class. What do you want to achieve? Allow something deeper within to motivate you.  Aim to be healthy and strong instead of simply wanting six-pack abs (nice to have, but that in itself won’t sustain you to keep working out).
  2. Be Specific: Be clear about your goals and write it down.  With your goal in mind, create actionable steps that will bring you closer to that goal.  For example, if you resolve to workout out at 6 a.m., visualize your nightly routine and figure out what changes you’ll need in order to get to bed earlier.  Also consider what might sabotage these goals—attempting to watch another episode of Stranger Things at 11 p.m. may not be the best idea.  You might implement a “no TV after 9 p.m. on weeknights” rule.
  3. Keep a Schedule: Chart out your workout schedule each week on a calendar.  Treat your workouts as an appointment.  At the end of each week, check off each day you completed the workout.  Not only does a calendar keep you accountable, it feels good to visually see that you are getting one step closer to your goal with each workout!

4. Set Monthly Targets: Think baby steps.  Instead of starting with a lofty goal to run a half-marathon in six months, commit to running at least three times a week for 30 minutes each week for a month, then slowly increase the distance after the first month.   Reward yourself once you’ve made that monthly target.  Achieving short-term targets give you momentum to continue towards your distant end goal!

5. Be Flexible: It’s okay to tweak your exercise routine or even scale back, but don’t give up completely. Even if you miss a couple days, get back into it.  Be forgiving.  Every once in a while, we all need those hygge days where we lounge in our pj’s. 

6. Make it Fun: Find workouts you truly enjoy. Experiment with non-traditional workouts and find what’s fun for you—whether it be team sports, hiking, climbing, or martial arts. When you’re excited to workout, it becomes less of a chore.  Who said achieving your goals couldn’t be fun?


The Fytt Perspective:

Research shows it takes on average two months to form a new habit.  To stay in the game, find ways to make it easier and more convenient for you to sweat it out.  Keep dumbbells in your living room for quick sets while watching TV.   Consider setting aside your workout clothes the night before a morning workout, or even keeping a set of workout clothes in the car for a last-minute workout. Find time for a 10 minute HIIT workout on busy days.